Thursday, April 28, 2011

"From Class to MassTourism"

Brittney mentioned in her final reflective piece that she wondered about where tourism was going.  On a side note I think it is all about the growing middle classes in rapidly developing countries like Turkey, Brazil and of course the almost 3 billinoin residents of China and India who will wnat to travel just like us.

Well for as long as people recorded things about travel the rich and famous led the way most of the time.  From the Romans to the Grand Tour, to the Jet Setters of the 1960's the theory has always been that high society defined what "cool" was and the rest would follow.  This article certainly is about high-end travel.  What do you think?  Will it trickle down to us common folks in 10-20 years?  Is it even worth discussing?

And Andrew, don't hold back on this one.  :)

Do you know where these pictures are from?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

World Heritage Sites and Policies

Last week's readings focused on policies and tourism marketing/planning and their impacts.  Here's an an article highlighting a local's perspective as it conflicts with preservation of a significant global heritage site.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Authenticity and Politics

When you visit an historic site, museum or other significant place do you believe the message you are given?  Should you?  Who's to judge?  The images below represent a museum with a clear message.  Truthful?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Why Americans Don't Travel

This article offers a few reasons what us Americans don't travel as much as folks from other developed Western nations. Do you agree?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Dark Tourism" and Chernobyl

 There are many places on earth that are not associated with positive events to put it mildly yet they attract many visitors every year.  There is a growing interest in what has been known as dark tourism which can include visits to slums, sites of natural disasters and extreme human suffering.  Personally, I have experienced some of these including the DMZ between South and North Korea and Auschwitz in Poland.  Both were extremely moving particularly the latter although I am not Jewish.

Chernobyl is a special place given its horrific past and now with the events in Japan.  I hope to make a visit Chernobyl this May to begin a tourism visitor study with one of our grad students.  What do you think of this?  Is it tourism?  Where does the "dark" side fit in?  Or, is it even "dark"?  UNESCO is interested in preserving and interpenetrating these sites before governments eliminate then because of their negative image.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Travel and Childrens' Experiences.

This article makes me crazy.  although I agree with the basic premise the idea that it somehow has to be an experience only the elite can enjoy is wrong.  Thoughts?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Airline Ethics

This article and one I will add later really hits on some important issues for the travel industry.  I'm sure there will be lively discussion so have at it!

Airline Ethics