Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Egyptian Tourism

Is Egyptian tourism really poised for a rebound?  Would seeing history unfold there be a strong enough motivation for you to visit?  Please read the short USA Today article and provide your comments.  In a few weeks we will discuss motives for travel and may come back to this article.


  1. Do you think Oprah's show will sway travelers?

  2. I do not think that Egypt is quite yet ready for a tourism rebound. I think that the incidents of violence and revolution are still fresh in the minds of travelers; leaving an uneasy feeling when thinking of traveling to Egypt. Personally, traveling to Egypt would not be ideal for myself, seeing as how it is so near to the incidents. In fact, it is still so soon after the revolution that the USA has suggested travelers go abroad to Egypt only if necessary. Also, major airlines such as Delta and Continental have not yet resumed flights to Egypt because of the timing. Delta does however plan to resume flights to Egypt in May.

    As far as motivations to travel to Egypt, seeing history unfold is not a great enough motivation for me to visit. As mentioned previously, I believe that not enough time has passed to put thoughts of Egypt as an unsafe destination far from traveler's minds. Perhaps history unfolding would be an acceptable motivation for some, but for myself, witnessing history unfold is not worth the potential danger that may still be lurking in the mists of the revolution.

    Egypt is attempting to lure more travelers by having such celebrities as Oprah Winfrey host shows in the now infamous Tahrir Square displaying the "New Egypt." I do not believe that Oprah hosting a shower in Egypt will bring as much tourism to the area as officials may be hoping. Although Oprah is popular and an American icon, I think it is not enough to enhance tourism just yet. After more time elapses, I believe that eventually tourism in Egypt may be prepared for a rebound, but after short of two months, now is not the time.

  3. History was made during the United States civil war, but that doesn't mean I want to stand on the battlefield. The major attractions of Egypt have been there for thousands of years and will still be there once the political unrest ceases. I do not understand the need to visit a country during a time of chaos. Vacations are supposed to be relaxing and peaceful. They are not supposed to be filled with stress and violence. The issue of saving money seems far away from being a priority. Traveling that far one would assume the traveler would have the financial means regardless. The Oprah idea is downright ludicrous. There are many things I don't understand about Oprah. I however know that she is for non-violence and I am guessing the majority of her viewers are non-confrontational. I can't envision them diving headfirst into a street brawl and political protest. During my vacation plans if I want to save money there is a simple solution. Fly to Chicago and see Oprah. Don't fly half way around the world to see something that is not genuine to the area or to the culture. That idea is the same as individuals who go to china and eat at Mcdonalds every day. Assimilate and experience your vacation destination or stay home.

    On a side note is Oprah proud and happy she is overweight and has her accepted her body or is she proud that she gained control, lost weight and is healthy? She is always hopping the fence. Anyone care to figure that one out?

  4. Ah, I think these articles have hit some hot buttons. Wonderful. I for one would love to be in Egypt now to experience history. And if is wasn't for this class I might have tried to make it happen. Why do vacations/tourism have to be relaxing or peaceful? Plenty of people go on all sorts of high adventure trips that are anything but restful. How about a trekking trip to Nepal? For me Egypt today would be an adventure that would get me excited.

    Great to see the passionate comments on the blog. I can assure you I have a many more interesting and controversial things to post and I look forward to your continued input.

  5. This is Jen by the way...I guess it took the name from my email address :)

    Lets take a look at both sides of the fence...on one hand you have the adventure and curiosity that looms over the revolution and current hardships that attracts outsiders to further investigate; on the reverse there are those who consider the threat of violence and unruliness of an angry society. I for one am intrigued by the outrage and believe that in the end (eventually) the topic will settle and life, as it is known, in Egypt will go back to "normal". With that said my curiosity alone is probably not enough of a motivation to put myself in harms way of potentially getting raped or murdered. So I would choose to stay at home and visit the pyramids in perhaps 10 years from now.

    Now, do I think that Oprah has the power to single handedly increase tourism in Egypt...absolutely not! However, I will say that I think this is wise of the new minister of tourism. There are many people who do not like or even pay attention to Oprah. But, people feel comfortable when they can relate to people of high status that are well-known and trust them. It makes people feel good that there are other people like them. So if it is okay for Oprah to travel to Egypt and go unharmed, then why can't anyone else. Although this, in my opinion, is not logical thinking, due to the fact that Oprah rolls with a pretty secure group of body guards, there is a very slim chance that they would let anything negative happen to her.

  6. Professor Wicks,

    I too am a thrill seeker and am all for adventure vacations. There however is a difference between self created danger and adrenaline in comparison to imposed danger. Running with the bulls, sky diving, rock climbing generate a thrill as a result of my cognitive thought process, decision and action. A random bullet, bottle or fist to the face is not quite the same as the action and intensity is unplanned and unannounced. Think the thrills are on different levels, than even Russian roulette. At least with that I have some control. Guess it really boils down to how much determination and control do you want in your thrill. I saw you were familiar with the East Saint Louis area. having lived there for the past six years if I need a thrill like Egypt I will step out my front door walk one mile and hang a left :). Great comments from everyone! Looking forward to the next topic.
